The Present is Where It's At, Baby! – Skullcoasting with @starheadboy

Starheadboy’s artwork resonated with me from the first millisecond it popped up on my Instagram feed. The images and words were a gorgeous medley of playful and thoughtful, two of my favorite characteristics in all things! And Pablo the Burrito Unicorn – holy cow, I mean holy unicorn – is he a sweetie pie! Can’t wait for you to meet him if you haven’t already!
Pablo the Burrito Unicorn is one of my favorite beings in any universe. How did Pablo let you know he wanted to be born, and where did the path lead from there?
One night when I got back to my apartment, I heard a rustling in the bushes outside my window. I peaked out, and looking back up at me was a little burrito unicorn.
It was pretty rad . . . just because I’d never seen a real one before that. So, I go to bed and forget about it.
The next day it’s hanging around on the front steps of the building, then he’s there the day after . . . I keep thinking “No way, I can’t have a pet right now, this guy has to find somewhere else to go”. Then the inevitable happens, Pablo hits me with those sad eyes and the next thing you know, he’s snuggled up in my little apartment. He’s a nomadic light, so ever since then he takes off for weeks at a time, a wandering spirit. He always comes back. It’s why the missing flyers happened in the beginning. I was so worried about the disappearances . . .
But now I know he is a free spirit, and he needs to explore.
Your art celebrates uniqueness and curiosity of thought. I based Skullcoaster's concept on Jenny Holzer's truism series. What artists do you admire, and are you hoping to get people to think outside their norms and reach for a deeper thoughtfulness from within?
Right now there are so many artists out there pushing the possibilities, everyone is just out there murdering it, and it’s so rad to see. Jeremy Gregory (@candyteethcreative on instagram) is an artist that I really admire and he’s a good friend too, so that just makes it even better. He is an incredible multidisciplinary artist. He does so many different things that it’d be easier to list what he doesn’t do. Over the pandemic he has been going live on Instagram for at least an hour a day, it’s been two years and he hasn’t missed a day. I’ve learned so much from watching him work. He dives right into projects and just goes for it, it’s really inspiring, and I’m starting to adopt some of his approach. He is incredibly generous with his work, process, and opportunities. I think there needs to be multiple documentaries on him and his studios, he’s creating magical worlds.
Sprout Gallery is a free gallery you set up. Tell us how it works, and where artists can send their work (if you're taking any now). I think what you're doing is beautiful and offers a loving, playful vibe that resonates with the child within us all. How do people react to a free art gallery?
Sprout Contemporary Art Space is a free little gallery that sits out on the street in front of our house. It’s like one of those little free libraries, but it’s a gallery. I’m really surprised at how much response it has gotten. The way that it works is people can leave a piece of art, take a piece, or just check out the show. Artwork can be mailed to us. We’ve received artwork from all over the country.
Free little art galleries are popping up all over the world, I’ve found a ton of them on instagram and have sent work out to them. It’s a fun grassroots way to get art out there and overall, I’m stoked that it gives the public a different avenue to have a connection to art. My spot is Sprout Contemporary Art Space (@sprout-galleryspace on instagram). Our address is the bio on instagram. Feel free to send small art anytime (artwork 5 by 7 inches or smaller).
I jump to social media's defense whenever anyone criticizes the medium because I have found so much love, support, and enthusiasm here. I wouldn't have my Superhero Flying Pablo as part of my art family if it weren't for social media. What's the experience been like for you? What would you tell artists who are just venturing forth into the social media world?
The experience has been really incredible for me. It has been an amazing vehicle to promote my art and expression.
I view it as a tool, a resource… it can be very beneficial or it can really bum a person out, it all has to do with mindset and perspective and that’s a choice we all have to make.
I limit my time on it… on devices in general and I think creating artwork is an easy way to curb the addictive nature of social media.
I keep my phone off when I’m out walking in the world, I want to be present for what is in front of me.
I don’t want to be too distracted or asleep on this unfolding journey.
What encouragement would you most like to offer not just artists but all the humans (and maybe aliens) who share our planet to help them live a more present and happy life?
I’d say be as present as possible, meditate, appreciate the things around you. I really only back these concepts because they work for me. All of our inner power is in the present moment. It’s the only thing that is really real. The past is written and gone. The future is yet to unfold. The present is where it’s at, baby.
We live in a beautiful world that is meant to be appreciated.
Where you can find Starheadboy: (has links to everything) (post on here daily) (I’m putting my animations and painting tutorials up here)
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