Skip to the Happy Ending

I once heard a comedian talking about something upsetting that happened to him. I can't remember the details or comedian, but if this sounds familiar, let me know, and I'll give credit where credit is due! As this uncomfortable thing was occurring, he said to himself, "You know you're going to use this as material for a bit. Why not just skip to the part where it's a funny story now?"
I think this concept is so brilliant. If we're in the middle of something unpleasant, we can consciously skip to the place (emotionally) where we feel better. The way to do that is to use bridging thoughts that feel more hopeful than those you're currently thinking. Remember, they have to be things you believe, or they won't do you much good.
Need some examples? Here you go:
Your partner just broke up with you, and you're emotionally devastated.
Some of the things you can say to yourself to help skip to the end are: You know, my right person will be right for me in all ways. And, I'm going to be the same for someone else. You can't force these things. If we were the right match, they'd be here. Another great thing to say is: When I have someone wonderful in my life, there will still be things that I miss about being alone especially doing things exactly how I personally like them best. Maybe during this time, I'll appreciate what I like about being by myself. And when the right person comes along, I'll focus on what I like about being in a relationship.
You're in a job you hate and want one you like better.
Sure, you say, the end of that one is getting the hell outta here. Unfortunately, if you're focusing on the things you don't like about the job, you're going to attract those same things wherever you go. The good news is you don't have to conquer and destroy those thought patterns, AND you don't have to make up a list of the things you like about your current job either. Although, there's no denying that it would be helpful if you could do it authentically. But, let's say you can't or don't want to. How the heck do you skip to the end in this one?
The most productive path is to soften the edges of your discontent to tune into the feeling of a better match. Say things like: I'm not the first person on Earth to find a way from a job they hated to one they loved. I don't have to like it, but I can see it as a part of my life and not let it consume me. As I focus on other stuff I like, I realize I want to enjoy my job too. But I can't think about it too much, or I'll pull myself down the rabbit hole. Somehow I've managed to bring blank, blank, and blank into my life, and I'm so appreciative. I guess the feeling I want from my job, I already have in other places in my life. Huh. Maybe if I springboard off that energy, I'll get some good ideas of what I'd like to do next for my career.
In other words, link how you're feeling now to how you want to feel later. Pretty soon, you'll be feeling better. When you're feeling better, your thoughts are more optimistic. When your thoughts are more positive, you attract better ideas. When you attract better ideas, you get the results you're looking for while also realizing it was all about feeling better along the way!
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